by sarah mckee | Mar 15, 2019 | News
Just over 4 weeks until our next Holiday Club! Make sure you have booked your places as spaces get booked up fast! Our holiday club will be running from Monday 8th – Thursday 18th April and costs £15 per day or £22 on Thursdays. Booking information can be found...
by sarah mckee | Mar 14, 2019 | News
Tonight at The Centre we have Girls’ Brigade. If you are aged 4 – 18 then you can join Girls’ Brigade which happens every Thursday night during term time. We have different groups to join depending on your age. Last week we made banana cupcakes,...
by sarah mckee | Mar 13, 2019 | News
Dear Parents/ Guardians We are writing to you about the afterschool activity your child(ren) is part of at The Pearson Centre for Young People. With regards to pickups from Roundhill School we ask that you notify us at the beginning of the term if your child requires...
by sarah mckee | Mar 7, 2019 | News
Tonight in Find Your Art we are looking at Knitted Textiles and will be having a go at Crochet and Knitting. Find you Art runs every Thursday 4 – 5pm for Primary school children. Booking prior to the session is essential.
by sarah mckee | Feb 26, 2019 | News
Good Afternoon, This week our Development After-School clubs are starting back. We have loads on offer here at The Centre and there is something for everyone! All sessions are £3.50 unless you are a member of Boys’ or Girls’ Brigade then sessions cost...
by sarah mckee | Feb 25, 2019 | News
We had a fantastic week last week with our February half term Holiday Club. Lots of fun was had with baking, games outside, movies, getting creative and much more! We are now able to take bookings for our next holiday club which will run from Monday 8th –...